By Rick Simpson
I am not going to talk about the corruption that is holding this plant´s medicinal use back. I am here today to simply speak about the healing power of the hemp plant that I have personally witnessed and what I think causes it.
From my experience all forms of disease and conditions are treatable and often curable with the use of high grade hemp oil as a treatment.
Due to its harmless nature as a medicine, hemp oil is in a class all by itself. Even something like aspirin tablets that is looked upon as being harmless by the public causes thousands of deaths worldwide each year.
If you are looking for a safe medication, look no further than what the hemp plant can provide. On top of all that it’s a medicine we can all grow and produce ourselves. Also there is no need for a doctor’s supervision with its use.
When the hemp plant is grown for medicinal use, you now have your own medical system that is much safer and effective than anything our current medical system provides. You still may require a doctor to set your broken leg, but you will no longer need the chemicals they have been pushing upon us.
Hemp is medicine for the masses and no one has the right to control its use. We are all different and we all have different tolerances for practically everything. So it is up to each and every one of us to determine for ourselves how much oil we require to maintain good health.
Over the years people have come to me who after years of treatment by the medical system did not even have a diagnosis for their conditions. But the oil exercised its amazing healing power and their medical problems were solved.
Another aspect of the use of hemp as medicine is its anti-aging properties. As we age, our vital organs deteriorate and of course this impairs the function of these organs.
Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs even in small doses it is very common for people to report to me that they feel 20 to 30 years younger after only ingesting the oil for a short time.
Now let’s take it to the next level. What about people who ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time like myself? After 9 years on the oil my body does not appear to be that of a 60 year old man. Instead, my body has the appearance of someone who is a great deal younger. When I have the oil at my disposal I like to take about a quarter of a gram a day. Of course, due to short supply, quite often I must go without so my own treatment has been erratic to say the least.
From my own experience with the oil I cannot help but wonder what would happen if a person was to ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time. If a person were to do this, can they actually reverse the aging process and grow younger instead of aging.
From the oils effect on my own body by all appearances this seems to be the case. Someday soon when I have enough oil I intend to start taking a gram a day for a year to see what effect it has on my body.
Many people who have taken the oil have stated that they thought it to be the fountain of youth. From my own experiences with the oil I believe this to be true.
Throughout our lives the system has told us they want preventative medicine. Now what greater preventative medicine could there possibly be than hemp oil? Judging from what I have seen, if children were given tiny doses of oil each day like a supplement, diseases like cancer diabetes MS and many other conditions could be eliminated entirely.
Now I am not talking about getting the kiddies high for once a person gets accustomed to this medication, they do not even feel or exhibit effects from the oil they are ingesting.
Hemp oil is a safe and harmless medication that all age groups can benefit from by ingesting it and that goes for our children too. So if the system truly wants preventative medicine, here it is now why are they refusing to use it.
I know the words cure all is a hard pill to swallow. When I worked in the medical system, such terms were thought of as a joke. But when you see for yourself what this oil can do like I did, what else could it be called?
What other medicine works on everything and in many cases can cure thought-to-be incurable conditions. What else can heal diabetic ulcers, skin cancers or heal third degree burns in no time leaving no scars?
I will tell you what other medicine – no other medicine. So why on god’s green earth is it not being used? As a medication to ease our suffering and to heal us. For there is nothing better.
Myself and many others have gone through realms of so-called scientific studies which I found to be mostly double-talk and most of these studies were about synthetic THC which bears little resemblance to natural THC and its associated cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.
After studying all this scientific jargon, I had learned what amounted to nothing. But the oil continued to work the miracles so who was I to question it.
I had just about given up hope that we would ever find out why the oil worked so well for all these different medical conditions. But recently a lady named Batya Stark has provided me with what I think is all the missing pieces to the puzzle.
She has sent me a great deal of information about melatonin and the pineal gland which produces it. It seems that the pineal gland is in the driver’s seat when it comes to healing our bodies.
The melatonin it produces is an essential part of healing. When the function of the pineal gland is impaired, it produces much less melatonin and therefore we become sick and diseased.
Studies have been released that show people suffering from cancer have low levels of melatonin in their bodies. Also studies have shown that just smoking hemp can raise the melatonin levels in our bodies. So one can only imagine what the oil that is in a concentrated state can do to increase melatonin levels.
As we age we acidify and cancer thrives in an acidic environment. So bringing the body´s PH level up is very important when you are suffering from cancer and many other conditions.
The oil works to do this but also other things can be of great benefit. Simple things like baking soda and lemon juice can raise the body´s PH very rapidly.
Tumors are simply the symptom of an underlying condition that is present in the bodies of people who are suffering from cancer. Indeed this underlying condition must be treated to cure the cancer and prevent it from returning.
Melatonin travels to every cell in our bodies and is the key to good health. And I am not just talking about treating cancer, it seems that melatonin levels are important to treat all conditions. Now all you have to do is connect the dots like Batya and I have; it all adds up.
Hemp oil promotes full body healing and raises melatonin levels thousands of times higher than normal. When the pineal gland produces vast amounts of melatonin, it causes no harm to the body but it is very hard on the condition you are suffering from and indeed can eliminate it. From what I can gather, all this along with your PH being raised while the oil is detoxifying your body we think causes the healing effect of this medication.
Now myself and those around me are not doctors or scientists and I like you can only wonder at why it is not them bringing this to the public. But after years of research on our part, this is the only thing we have found that connects all the dots and explains in a simple way why this medicine can do what it does.
Now we must look at what could be causing the function of our pineal gland to become impaired. Much of the time it is caused by our own lifestyles and things like cell phones that we come in contact with everyday.
Companies that produce cell phones do not like to talk about it and would prefer that we did the same. But our bodies run on electrical impulses. Now do you think it’s a good idea to put something against your head that produces an electromagnetic field which can interfere with the electrical impulses in our bodies that keep us healthy?
Cell phones are just one of the culprits. Look at studies of cancer rates of people who live near and around high tension power lines. I myself did not understand the importance of all this until a friend of mine cured his heart condition by having two electrical problems in his home repaired.
It´s frightening that so many things we come into contact with frequently can harm our health. But still there are a number of other things that do the same.
Can someone out there give me a rational explanation as to why fluoride seems to be in everything these days and please do not call me and try to tell me it’s to prevent tooth decay? Did Hitler not use fluoride in his death camps to keep the inmates calm so they would not try to escape or revolt?
I wonder what possible purpose it serves our system to be giving us so much fluoride. Does what´s going on currently not smell a little like a death camp to you? I can only wonder what effect all this fluoride is having on our brains and our pineal glands.
What about the effects of all those chemicals the doctors have been feeding to us? Would these chemicals interfere with the function of our pineal glands and could they also acidify our bodies more quickly?
I will leave that one for all you medical experts out there to figure out.
Now what about our food supply. The meat that is sold to the public in Canada and some other countries cannot even be sold in Europe. It seems that Canadian beef is looked down upon by Europeans because it has too many contaminates like antibiotics and growth
hormones. Do you not find it strange that our meat is deemed unhealthy in Europe? Yet it is freely sold to anyone that is dumb enough to eat it back in Canada.
Now what about fruits and vegetables and all the other fare we find in supermarkets in North America. Pesticides, additives, preservatives, genetic modification – does this not all sound just yummy and possibly somewhat deadly?
But of course no one in authority has stood up to do something about this situation, so I guess the food they are selling the public must be good for us. Trust your government because they would never allow anyone to sell us something that was not good for us would they.
So as you can plainly see, practically everything that we come into contact with can have an effect on our health and wellbeing. And of course many things I have just mentioned could have a devastating effect on the pineal gland´s ability to function properly.
It’s almost as if they knew that by interfering with the function of the pineal gland, they could cause us to become unhealthy and in need of their wonderful chemical medications. But of course only someone who is a conspiracy nut could think in such a way. Do you think the same as I do about all this? If so, then welcome to the asylum.
Rick Simpson May 23, 2010
For those of you who have watched the documentary "Run from the Cure", this should answer any questions about producing your own oil. I recommend that people grow their own hemp either in a small indoor grow system or outdoors. Growing it yourself will eliminate the high cost associated with buying hemp from drug dealers. The cost of hemp can vary greatly from dealer to dealer and so can the quality of the hemp. For anyone new to growing hemp a good book or video on the subject is a necessity. Just go to one of the cannabis publications on line, or buy one of these publications at a local store where you live. If you do this you should have no trouble finding a good book on the subject. My personal favorite is The Indoor Outdoor Medicinal Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes. Also Ed Rosenthal and many others have excellent books on the subject available.
Caution: Oils that drug dealers sell can have many contaminants and often little or no THC. From my experience, most hemp oil available on the street should be avoided for medicinal use. Make your own oil or have someone you trust produce the oil to assure a very pure, high quality oil is produced.
How much to make and take? One pound of very dry high quality cannabis hemp bud material will usually produce 55 to 60 grams of high grade oil. This amount of oil will usually cure most serious cancers unless the patient has been badly damaged by chemo and radiation. In such cases the patient can often still be saved, but they will have to ingest much more oil to undo the damage the chemo and radiation has left behind. The average patient can ingest a full 60 gram cancer treatment in about 90 days. But if they have been damaged by chemo and radiation often much more oil will need to be taken, over a longer period of time. Sometimes such patients will require 120 to 180 grams to undo the damage from all the chemo and radiation. Once the patient is cured and all the damage has been undone, I recommend that they continue to take a maintenance dose of about 1 gram per month to maintain good health. A small amount of oil about half the size of a piece of short grained dry rice three times a day is a good beginning. After four days double the amount you are taking per dose and try to continue to do so every four days there
after. Until you have reached the point where you can ingest one third of a gram per dose. Taking the oil in this manner in the beginning allows the patient time to build up their tolerance for this substance. Some people soon acquire a very high tolerance and I always tell patients the faster you can take it the sooner you will be cured. I once had an eighty two year old man who was ingesting 2grams a day, who was still going to town everyday and no one could even tell he was taking it. In cases where people are taking strong and dangerous pain medications like morphine. I recommend that they begin treatment taking doses about the size of a grain of short grained dry rice. The idea is to increase their doses as quickly as possible to get off the dangerous pain medications and let the oil take their place to provide pain relief. High quality hemp oil from the proper strains can stop pain that even morphine has no effect on, also this oil can be applied to external injuries for pain relief in minutes.
Will I get high? Following the dosage instructions previously described many people have reported to me that they did not get high during treatment.
Will I become addicted? Hemp oil does not cause your body to crave more. It is non-addictive, harmless and effective for practically any medical condition.
Is this the same as hemp seed oil? No this oil is produced from the bud material of the cannabis hemp plant and it is the essential oil of the hemp plant. Health food stores sell oil that is made from hemp seed that is often mislabeled as hemp oil what they really are selling is cold pressed hemp seed oil and that is what should be on their label. Although seed oil is very beneficial, it does not contain enough THC to have any effect on cancer and other serious illnesses.
Are hemp and marijuana the same? The word marijuana is one of over four hundred slang terms used worldwide to describe the cannabis and/or hemp plant.
Are all hemp plants the same? When buying or growing hemp, procure a strain that has the highest possible THC content. To energize someone suffering from depression, I recommend a good Sativa strain. For most other medical conditions, I strongly suggest that Indica strains be used. Indicas relax a person and provide them with more rest and sleep.
How do I use it? High quality hemp oil can be vaporized, ingested, used as a suppository or applied topically. Also this oil can be mixed with creams and salves for beauty treatments and other external uses.
What Strain Should I Use? This is a rather hard question to answer, since in reality we are all at the mercy of the seed merchants, for they are the ones who have the final say in what we are growing. The trouble is, if you were to order a strain like White Widow from five different seed suppliers. When you grew them you would likely end up growing five entirely different types of plants. The type of White Widow that I was growing back in Canada had a very heavy sedative effect like a good Indica variety and it was one of the best pain killers that I have ever encountered. But if I tried to order the same seeds from the company I originally purchased them from today, they would likely send me seeds with entirely different medicinal values. The White Widow I’ve seen here in Europe is much more energizing than what I was growing in Canada. Unfortunately for the most part it does not have the medicinal values that I am looking for to produce the heavy sleepy effect, like the White Widow I was growing back in
Canada. So as you can see, when you order seeds from most seed companies, you are never really too sure what you will be growing. We need a good ongoing steady supply of seeds that have known medicinal values, so an ordinary person will know what they are growing. All we need is the freedom to grow the most medicinal strains on earth. Then using a simple process of elimination we could determine which strains produce the best oil to treat different medical conditions. After this is done a stable supply of these seeds could be made available to the public and they then could grow strains that suit their medical needs.
I always produce this oil using strong Indica varieties, but Indica dominant Sativa crosses can often produce excellent results also. There are thousands of strains that have been bred back and forth with each other and they all differ in their medicinal values. Some strains are better pain killers, while others may be better to control blood sugar levels for diabetics or ocular pressure for glaucoma patients. I have good reason to call the hemp plant, the plant with a thousand different medicinal profiles. Once you experience the medicinal effects, oils produced from different strains can have, you will understand exactly what I mean. But luckily for us, if the oil is properly produced it does work very well in the treatment of all types of cancer. At this time all I can do is tell the public to order strong Indica or Indica dominant Sativa crosses that have 20% THC or more, to produce their oil. Also people are always asking me where they can get seeds and this can be a real problem for those who live in some countries, that don’t allow them to be sold. If you go on the internet you will find many seed companies that will supply cannabis seeds. But the only company I know of that will ship seeds worldwide is the Attitude Seed Company out of the UK. I hope the information I have provided will be helpful to those who are trying to acquire the proper strain to produce their medication. We already know the wonderful healing effects this natural oil has, but we need the freedom to perfect the strains required to produce the most effective medicine.
My process:
I usually work with a pound or more of bud from very potent high quality Indica or Indica dominant Sativa crosses. An ounce of good bud will usually produce 3 to 4 grams of high grade oil and the amount of oil produced will vary from strain to strain. So you are never really sure how much oil you will get, until you have processed the material you are working with. But on average a pound of good bud will usually produce about 60 grams of high grade oil and sometimes you may even get a bit more. Many people will tell you that the oil should be amber and that you can see through it, in many cases the oils that I produced were exactly like that. But the color and texture of the oil you are producing depends a great deal on the strain and solvent that you are using to produce the oil. So don’t be concerned if the oil you produce happens to be darker in color, this does not mean that it is any less potent as a medicine.
The process that I am about to describe involves washing the starting material twice with a good solvent such as pure naphtha, to remove the available resin from the plant material. Naphtha has proven to be a very good solvent to produce the oil and in Europe it is often called benzine. The only solvents that I have direct experience with are ether, alcohol and naphtha. Ether is my personal favourite and it is a very effective solvent, but it is expensive and can be quite hard to get. I think the use of ether is better suited for closed distilling devices since it is very volitile and its fumes make it a bit dangerous to work with. Alcohol is not quite as effective as ether or naphtha as a solvent, since it is less selective in nature, but still it does work well. Alcohol will dissolve more chlorophyll from the starting material and due to this, oils produced with alcohol will usually be more noticeably dark in color. For a solvent to be effective it should be 100% pure and 100% pure alcohol is expensive and can be
quite hard to find. Naphtha on the other hand is quite cheap to acquire and is usually not too hard to find. Many paint suppliers sell pure naphtha as paint thinners, so for the most part it is quite easy to get and next to the use of ether it is my solvent of choice.
All these solvents including alcohol are poisonous in nature, but if you follow these instructions solvent residue in the finished oil is not a concern. When you are done processing the oil after it cools to room temperature, it is a thick grease rather than an oil. The finished oil or in reality (grease) is about as anti poisonous as you can get. Even if there was a trace amount of solvent residue remaining, the oil itself would act upon it to neutralize any harmful poisonous effect. I don’t recommend the use of butane as a solvent to produce this medication, since it is very volatile and would require the use of expensive equipment to neutralize the danger. Also using butane to produce the oil does not decarboxylate the finished product, so oils produced in this manner would be much less effective for medicinal use.
The starting material must be as dry as possible, it is then placed in a container of good depth to prevent the oil solvent mix from splashing out during the washing process. Once the starting material is placed in the desired container it is then dampened with the solvent being used, be sure the area you are working in is well ventilated and there are no sparks, open flames or red hot elements in the area. After the material is dampened it is crushed using a length of wood such as a piece of 2×2, after it has been crushed add more solvent until the material is completely immersed, in the solvent. Work the material immersed in the solvent for about three minutes, with the length of wood you used to crush it with. Then slowly pour the solvent oil mix off into another clean container, leaving the starting material in the original container, so it can be washed for the second time.
Again add fresh solvent to the starting material until it is once more immersed in the solvent then work it for three more minutes with the length of wood you have been using. Then pour the solvent oil mix into the same container that is holding the solvent oil mix from the first wash you did. Trying to do a third wash on the plant material would produce very little oil and it would be of little or no benefit as a medicine. The first wash dissolves 70 to 80% of the available resin off the starting material, the second wash then removes whatever resin that is of benefit that remains.
Use something such as clean water containers with a small opening at the top and insert funnels into the openings, then put large coffee filters in the funnels. Pour the solvent oil mix from the first and second washes into the coffee filters and allow the solvent oil mix to drain through the filters to remove any unwanted plant material. Once the solvent oil mix has been filtered it is now ready to have the solvent boiled off.
Use an inexpensive large rice cooker with an open top that has both high and low heat settings to boil the solvent off the oil. Make sure that the rice cooker is set up in a well ventilated area and place a fan near by to blow away the fumes as the solvent boils off. Rice cookers are designed to not burn the rice as it cooks and the temperature sensors that are built in, will automatically put the cooker back on the low heat setting if the temperature within the cooker begins to get to high. When producing oil if the temperature gets too high it will vaporize the cannabinoids off the oil and of course you do not want this to occur. That’s the reason I strongly recommend the use of a rice cooker to those who have never produced oil before since it eliminates any danger of this happening, if the rice cooker is working properly.
Make sure there are no sparks, open flames or red hot elements in the area while you are filling the rice cooker or boiling the solvent off, because the fumes produced from the solvent are very flammable. I have used this same process thousands of times and have never had a
mishap, but for your own safety please follow the instructions, I also caution you to avoid breathing in the fumes that solvents produce. Fill the rice cooker until it is about three quarters full, this allows room for the solvent oil mix to boil the solvent off without spilling over. Put the rice cooker on its high heat setting and begin boiling the solvent off, as the level in the rice cooker drops continue to carefully add the solvent oil mix you have remaining, until you have nothing left.
When the level in the rice cooker comes down for the last time and has been reduced to about two inches of solvent oil mix remaining, add a few drops of water to the solvent oil mix that remains. When I am boiling the solvent oil mix produced from one pound of starting material, I usually add 10 to 12 drops of water at this time. This small amount of water allows the remaining solvent to boil off the oil that remains in the cooker more readily. When there is very little remaining in the cooker, I usually put on a pair of gloves and then pick up the cooker and begin swirling its contents. Until the cooker automatically kicks off its high heat setting and then goes to low heat.
As the last of the solvent is being boiled off, you will hear a crackling sound from the oil that is left in the cooker and you will see quite a bit of bubbling taking place in the oil that remains. Also you will notice what looks like a small amount of smoke or steam, coming off the oil in the rice cooker. But don’t be concerned this is mostly just steam produced from the few drops of water that you added. After the rice cooker has automatically switched to its low heat setting, I take the inner pot out of the cooker and pour its contents into a stainless steel measuring cup. There will be a small amount of oil remaining in the pot that you will find almost impossible to get out, unless you use something like dry bread to absorb the oil while it is still warm. Then small amounts of this bread can be eaten as a medicine, but remember it can sometimes take an hour or more before you feel its effects. So be careful how much bread like this you consume, because it may put you to sleep for quite a few hours, just the same as the raw oil will do itself.
Take the oil that you poured into the stainless steel measuring cup and put it on a gentle heating device such as a coffee warmer, to evaporate off whatever water remains in the oil. Quite often it only takes a short time to evaporate the remaining water off, but also some strains produce more natural turpins than others. These turpins can cause the oil you now have on the coffee warmer to bubble for quite some time and it may take awhile for such oils to cease this activity. When the oil on the coffee warmer has stopped bubbling and there is little or no activity visible, take the oil off the coffee warmer and allow it to cool a bit.
Then using plastic applicators or syringes with no needles, that are available in your local drug store. Use the plunger of the syringes to slowly draw the warm oil up into the syringes and allow it to cool. In a short time the oil will become a thick grease, sometimes the oil can be so thick that it can be hard to force it out of the syringes when cooled. If such a thing happens simply run hot water over the syringe and your doses can then be forced out much more easily. Sometimes a patient will force out too much oil, but if this happens just pull back on the plunger of the syringe and the excess oil can usually be drawn back into the syringe without too much difficulty.
On average if I have a dry pound of material to work with, it will require about two imperial gallons of solvent, or 9 liters which equals about 320 fluid ounces to do the two washes that are required. If you plan to produce the oil from more or less starting material, simply do the math to determine roughly how much solvent you will require. From start to finish it usually takes me about four hours to accomplish the whole process, then the medicine is sitting there ready to be used. It should also be mentioned that this oil has an extremely long shelf life, if kept in a cool dark place for storage. I think these instructions should make producing this oil
quite easy for anyone, but before you start make sure that you have everything you will need to do it properly.
At first it may seem daunting for some to try to produce their own medicine, but in reality this process is extremely simple. All you have to do is carefully follow the instructions and after you produce this medication a couple of times, you will find that it is not much harder to make than a cup of coffee. Once you have produced your own medication it takes all the mystery out of medicine and you no longer have to rely on doctors in most cases, for now you are your own doctor. Welcome to the world of real medicine, medicine that does no harm and is effective for practically all diseases and conditions and a wonderful natural medication that you now know how to produce yourself.
Best Wishes and Good Health,
Rick Simpson
It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with three doses per day, about the size of a half a grain of short grained rice. A dose such as this would equal about ¼ of a drop. After four days at this dosage, most people are able to increase their doses by doubling the amount of their dose every four days.
It takes the average person about 5 weeks to get to the point where they can ingest a gram per day. Once they reach this dosage they can continue at this rate until the cancer disappears. By using this method it allows the body to build up its tolerance slowly, in fact, I have many reports from people who took the oil treatment and said they never got high. We all have different tolerances for any medication. Your size and body weight have little to do with your tolerance for hemp oil. Be aware when commencing treatment with hemp oil that it will lower your blood pressure, so if you are currently taking blood pressure medication, it is very likely that you will no longer need it.
When people are taking the oil, I like to see them stay within their comfort zone, but the truth is, the faster you take the oil the better the chance of surviving. At the end of their treatment most people continue taking the oil but at a much reduced rate. About one gram a month would be a good maintenance dose. I do not like to see people overdosing on the oil, but an overdose does no harm. The main side effect of this medication is sleep and rest which plays an important role in the healing process. Usually, within an hour or so of taking a dose, the oil is telling you to lay down and relax. Don’t fight the sleepy feeling, just lay down and go with it. Usually within a month, the daytime tiredness associated with this treatment fades away but the patient continues to sleep very well at night.
The only time I would recommend that people start out with larger doses would be to get off addictive and dangerous pain medications. When people who are using such medications begin the oil treatment, they usually cut their pain medications in half. The object is to take enough oil to take care of the pain and to help the patient get off these dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. Taking the oil makes it much easier for the patient to get off these addictive chemicals.
I simply tell people the oil will do one of two things; it will either cure your cancer or in cases where it is too late to affect a cure, the oil will ease their way out and they can at least die with dignity.
Hemp oil has a very high success rate in the treatment of cancer. Unfortunately, many people who come to me have been badly damaged by the medical system with their chemo and radiation etc. The damage such treatments cause have a lasting effect and people who have suffered the effects of such treatments are the hardest to cure.
It should also be mentioned that the oil rejuvenates vital organs like the pancreas. Many diabetics who have taken the oil find that after about six weeks on the oil that they no longer require insulin since their pancreas is again doing its job.
Properly made hemp medicine is the greatest healer on this planet bar none. Once you experience what this medication can do you will understand why history and I call hemp medicine a cure all.
Treating Skin Cancer If you can get some properly made oil, it will definitely work to cure skin cancer and usually it only takes a few grams of oil to accomplish the task. Take about 30 grams of good Indica bud, this amount of starting material should produce 3 to 4 grams of high grade oil. Apply the oil to the skin cancer and cover it with a bandage, apply fresh oil and a new bandage every 3 or 4 days and the cancer should soon disappear. I always tell people to continue treatment until the cancer is gone, then they should continue to treat the area for about two more weeks just as if the cancer was still there.
Doing this will ensure that all the cancer cells are dead and I have never seen a cancer return if my instructions are followed. If you’ve had skin cancer for quite some time and the cancer is well established, it may take some time to cure. But usually even in quite severe cases the cancer will disappear in less than three weeks. In an extreme case it may take longer but if so ,then just keep up the treatment until it is gone. Many people can cure their skin cancer in no time, but it all depends on your own rate of healing and how deeply embedded the cancer has become.
Other Natural Things You Can Do That Could Help When people came to me for oil to treat their cancer, the first thing I told them to do is change their diets. Try to stay away from animal protein as much as possible, since such protein promotes cancer growth. Get a juicing machine and start eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible, since plant protein fights the growth of cancer. Stop using sugar and replace its use with natural sweetener’s like raw honey. Get the patient’s PH up as quickly as possible, cancer likes an acidic environment and when you raise the body’s PH it makes it hard for cancer cells to survive. Also start eating the seeds from two apples everyday, this will give you a good daily dose of B17 also known as laetrile. B17 in its own right has a pretty good track record in the treatment of cancer and there are other natural things such as wheat grass, that you may find of benefit as well. Many people who have used the oil to treat their cancers did not change a thing, but the oil still worked its magic and they were healed.
But if you have a serious condition like cancer I think its a good idea to take other natural things that may help the oil eradicate the cancer and give you a better chance to survive. But the most important thing of all is, people have to realize that for the most part, what the medical system provides does much more harm than good. That is the reason I tell people who contact me, if they want to survive its best to stay as far away from the medical system as possible. That is the sad state, the medical system we have today is in and it will not
change until people who work within this system finally realize that chemicals and poison do not heal. As far as I’m concerned what most doctors today practice is madness and not medicine.
Rick Simpson